We see many people/ churches and assemblies formulating a doctrine from Acts of the apostles and quote the doctrines based on what is written in it. While this book is inspired by Yahuah's Ruach the arrangement of this book in Yahuah's dabar is to understand the acts of transition from being a physical Yahudite to a spiritual Yahudite and is a historical evidence of this transition. We will examine many passages from the book to understand how the early disciples reacted to keeping of Masha's Turah literally as a Yahudite in the Old Covenant would do and how they transitioned to a spiritual observance as stated in the later chapters of Acts and in the epistles to the assemblies by Shaul and the other apostles.
Acts 1:23 So they appointed two, Yoseph called Barshaba (who was surnamed Yustus), and MattithiYahu.
Acts 1:24 And they prayed and said, You, Yahuah, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two You have chosen,
Acts 1:25 to take part of this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.
Act 1:26 And they cast their lots/gural, and the lot fell on Mattithyahu. And he was numbered with the eleven emissaries.
The first thing we see the emissaries do is casting lots to choose between Yoseph called Barshaba and MattithiYahu to occupy Yahuda Iscariot's office. The Abary word for 'lots' is 'gural' which means colored stones used to cast lots to determine a course of action or make a decision. It was an Old testament practice to cast lots/gural to come to a decision to divide/allot pieces of land/inheritance etc. Even Turah stated that on Day of Atonement the high priest has to cast lots between the two goats so that one could be sacrificed and the other could be left out into the wilderness.
Lev 16:8 “And Aharon shall cast lots/H1486 gural for the two goats, one lot for יהוה and the other lot for Azazel/sacpegoat.
Lev 16:9 “And Aharon shall bring the goat on which the lot/H1486 gural for יהוה fell, and shall prepare it as a sin offering.
Lev 16:10 “But the goat on which the lot/H1486 gural for Azazel fell is caused to stand alive before יהוה, to make atonement upon it, to send it into the wilderness to Azazel.
We won't go into the other passages but the one that stand's out is the gural/lots cast for Mashiyach's inner garments so that they don't rend it as his outer garments as prophesied in the book of Psalms
Psa 22:18 They divide My garments among them, And for My raiment they cast lots/H1486 gural.
Joh 19:23 Then the soldiers, when they had impaled יהושע, took His outer garments and made four parts, to each soldier a part, and the inner garment. But the inner garment was without seam, woven from the top in one piece.
Joh 19:24 So they said to each other, “Let us not tear it, but cast lots/gural for it – whose it shall be,” in order that the Scripture might be filled which says, “They divided My garments among them, and for My clothing they cast lots.” The soldiers therefore indeed did this.
So we see this practice common among Yahudites to resolve a dispute in parting things/inheritance etc they would cast lots. We see the same thing done by the emissaries to choose the one to replace the office of Yahudah Iscariot. After this we have no record of lots being cast for anything in the Renewed Testament, instead we find them appointing elders through prayer and fasting.
Acts 14:23 And having appointed elders in every assembly, having prayed with fasting, they committed them to the Master in whom they had believed.
Was their method of appointing to fill the office of Yahudah Iscariot the right method? While scriptures are silent on this we see Shaul saying with emphasis added in Galatians about his being an emissary 'not from men, nor by man'
Gal 1:1 Sha’ul, an emissary – not from men, nor by a man, but by יהושע Messiah and Elohim the Father who raised Him from the dead –
Emissaries/Apostles were eyewitnesses of Yahusha's resurrection. While the other emissaries were with Mashiyach seeing him when he died and when he rose again and taken up in a cloud, Shaul was not converted yet and had not witnessed the resurrection of Yahusha along with the others. But as one chosen in due time he did see the Master and was witness of his resurrection being called directly into the apostleship by the Master himself. His emphasis to the Corinthian assembly ''Have I not see Yahusha Mashiyach our Master?'' to being an emissary shows this.
1Co 9:1 Am I not an emissary? Am I not free? Have I not seen יהושע Messiah our Master? Are you not my work in the Master?
Matthew records Yahusha's 12 emissaries and this shows that Yoseph called Barshaba and Mattithyahu (this one was another Mattithyahu and not the tax collector who was already chosen by the Master himself among the 12) chosen may have been eye witnesses of Yahusha's resurrection because all 12 had seen him and also seen by over 500 brethren showing that there were more emissaries/apostles other than the 12 but when we speak of the 12 we speak of the pillars of the faith who transitioned the Yahudite from physical to spiritual. Yahuah was silent when the cast their lots but chose one out of due time who would be eye witness of Yahusha's resurrection into the apostleship through whom he would gather his lost sheep of the house of Yasharal now known as Guym/gentiles by geographical location.
Mat 10:1 And having called His twelve taught ones near, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every bodily weakness.
Mat 10:2 And these are the names of the twelve emissaries: first, Shimʽon, who is called Kĕpha, and Andri his brother; Yaʽaqoḇ the son of Zaḇdai, and Yoḥanan his brother;
Mat 10:3 Philip and Bartholomi; T’oma and Mattithyahu the tax collector; Yaʽaqoḇ the son of Alphai, and Laḇai whose last name was Taddai;
Mat 10:4 Shimʽon the Kenaʽanite, and Yehuḏah from Qerioth, who did also deliver Him up.
1Co 15:4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised the third day, according to the Scriptures,
1Co 15:5 and that He was seen by Kĕpha, then by the twelve.
1Co 15:6 After that He was seen by over five hundred brothers at one time, of whom the greater part remain till now, but some have fallen asleep.
1Co 15:7 After that He was seen by Yaʽaqoḇ, then by all the emissaries.
1Co 15:8 And last of all He was seen by me/Shaul also, as if to one born prematurely.
Eph 2:20 having been built upon the foundation of the emissaries and prophets, יהושע Messiah Himself being chief corner-stone,
2Co 11:5 For I reckon that I/Shaul am not inferior to the most eminent emissaries.
Proof that there were other emissaries apart from the 12:
Rom 16:7 Greet Andronikos and Junias, my relatives and my fellow prisoners, who are eminent among the emissaries, who also were in Messiah before me.
Shaul distinguishes himself among the common emissaries in 2 Cor 11:5 saying that he is not inferior to the most eminent emissaries. The most eminent emissaries were the ones who labored in the dabar/word and doctrine in the transition and Shaul was one of them.
Act 2:42 And they were continuing steadfastly in the teaching of the emissaries, and in the fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
Act 16:1 And he came to Derbe and Lustra. And see, a certain taught one was there, named Timothy, the son of a certain Yehuḏite woman who believed – but his father was Greek –
Act 16:2 who was well spoken of by the brothers who were at Lustra and Ikonion.
Act 16:3 Sha’ul wished to have this one go with him. And he took him and circumcised him because of the Yehuḏim who were in those places, for they all knew that his father was Greek.
Act 16:4 And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the regulations to keep, which were decided by the emissaries and elders at Yerushalayim.
While Acts 16:4 shows Shaul in his journeys with Barnabah went through the cities and delivered the assemblies the regulations to keep which were decided by the emissaries and elders at Yerushalayim, we have Shaul recording in Galatians 2 that he went up to the eminent emissaries to reveal to them how Yahusha had led him in the doctrine formulation to see whether what he received from Yahusha through the Ruach matched up with how the emissaries at Yerushalayim were led to see if had somehow run in vain
Gal 2:1 Then after fourteen years I again went up to Yerushalayim, with Barnaḇah, taking Titus along too.
Gal 2:2 And I went up by revelation, and laid before them that Good News which I proclaim among the gentiles, but separately to those who were esteemed, lest somehow I run, or had run, in vain.
Gal 2:3 But not even Titus who was with me, though a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.
Gal 2:4 But as for the false brothers, sneakingly brought in, who sneaked in to spy out our freedom which we have in Messiah יהושע in order to enslave us,
Gal 2:5 to these we did not yield in subjection, not even for an hour, so that the truth of the Good News remains with you.
Gal 2:6 But from those who were esteemed to be whatever – what they were, it makes no difference to me, Elohim shows no partiality – for those who were esteemed contributed naught to me.
Gal 2:7 But on the contrary, when they saw that the Good News to the uncircumcised had been entrusted to me, even as Kĕpha to the circumcised –
Gal 2:8 for He who worked in Kĕpha to make him an emissary to the circumcised also worked in me for the gentiles.
Gal 2:9 So when Yaʽaqoḇ, Kĕpha, and Yoḥanan, who seemed to be supports, came to know the favour that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnaḇah the right hand of fellowship, in order that we go to the gentiles and they to the circumcised,
Gal 2:10 only that we might remember the poor, which I myself was eager to do.
Kepha in his letter speaks about Shaul's writings which somethings are hard to understand but are scriptures
2Pe 3:15 and reckon the patience of our Master as deliverance, as also our beloved brother Sha’ul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him,
2Pe 3:16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand,1 which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures.
Hence we see choosing of an emissary by lots was not the right way as it was the Ruach in them who worked in separating/set-aparting people for the work of the ministry.
Act 13:1 And in the assembly that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: both Barnaḇah and Shimʽon who was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaḥĕm who had been brought up with Herodes the district ruler, and Sha’ul.
Act 13:2 And as they were doing service to the Master and fasted, the Set-apart Spirit said, “Separate unto Me Barnaḇah and Sha’ul for the work to which I have called them.”
Act 13:3 Then having fasted and prayed, and having laid hands on them, they sent them away.
Shaul and Barnabah were recognized as prophets and teachers in the assembly at Antioch before Yahuah by his Ruach revealed their call to apostleship in which Shaul was among the eminent apostles who laid down the instructions for the assemblies.
The basarah of introducing Yahusha ha Mashiyach:
Yahusha to the Yahudites throughout the book of Acts is portrayed as a man from Aluahym, a Prophet who was to come which Unitarians in Messianic faith love to teach that he was a created being without understanding that Yahudites had a common understanding of the Son of Aluahym as they considered themselves as sons of Aluahym. It was necessary to teach them the set-apartness of the Son of Aluahym and that it is through faith in him one receives the sonship. The transition can be clearly seen later in the epistles and the letters Shaul and the other apostles elevate Yahusha as being in the form/likeness and on the same level as Yahuah.
Act 2:22 “Men of Yisra’ĕl, hear these words: יהושע of Natsareth, a Man from Elohim,having been pointed out to you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs which Elohim did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know,
Act 2:23 this One, given up by the set purpose and foreknowledge of Elohim, you have impaled and put to death through the hands of lawless men –
Act 3:21 whom heaven needs to receive until the times of restoration of all matters, of which Elohim spoke through the mouth of all His set-apart prophets since of old.
Act 3:22 “For Mosheh truly said to the fathers, ‘יהוה your Elohim shall raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brothers. Him you shall hear according to all matters, whatever He says to you.
Act 3:23 ‘And it shall be that every being who does not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.
We have two versions of translations from the Renewed Testament among Messianics where they translated YHUH (Yahuah) the 4 letter tetragrammation as ADON which means Master:
Php 3:20 For our citizenship is in the heavens, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the YHUH (YAHUAH) יהושע Messiah,
Php 3:20 For our citizenship is in the heavens, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the MASTER (ADON) יהושע Messiah, TS2009
the Master translated from YHUH and hence can read the last 4 words as: YHUH YaHUShA Messiah.
1Ti 1:1 "Paul, an apostle of YaHUShA Mashyach by the commandment of Elohiym our Saviour, and YHUH (YAHUAH) YaHUShA Mashiyach:, which is our hope;"
1Ti 1:1 Sha’ul, an emissary of יהושע Messiah, according to a command of Elohim our Saviour, and of the Master (ADON) יהושע Messiah, our expectation, TS2009
Tit 1:4 to Titos, a genuine child according to our common belief: Favour, compassion, peace from Elohim the Father and the YHUH (YAHUAH) יהושע Messiah our Saviour."
Tit 1:4 to Titus, a genuine child according to our common belief: Favour, compassion, peace from Elohim the Father and the Master (ADON) יהושע Messiah our Saviour.TS2009
Isaiah 43:11 There is only ONE SAVIOUR: "I, even I, am YaHUaH יהוה, and besides Me there is no Saviour."
Isaiah 45:21 "Declare and bring near, let them even take counsel together. Who has announced this from of old? Who has declared it from that time? Is it not I, יהוה? And there is no mighty one besides Me, a righteous Ěl and a Saviour, there is none besides Me."
Act 13:22 “And having removed him, He raised up for them Dawiḏ as sovereign, to whom also He gave witness and said, ‘I have found Dawiḏ the son of Yishai, a man after My own heart, who shall do all My desires.’
Acts 13:23 And from this descendant the Aluahym according to promise raisedredeemer of Yisrael Yahusha
So we see the preaching began in the emissaries themselves being in the transition learning on the divinity of Mashiyach as it was a mystery slowly being unfolded. Below is the word to word translation of the mystery of holiness/divinity which Shaul speaks of about Yahusha.
1Tim 3:16 By common confession, great is the mystery of holiness: He who was revealed in the flesh, surely righteous/natsadaq in the Ruach, seen by angels, proclaimed among the guym/nations, taken hold/natqabal in belief/ba amunah in the world, taken up in glory
The ADON and ADONI changes:
Act 2:34 “For Dawiḏ did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself said, ‘יהוה said to my master/ADONI, “Sit at My right hand,
Act 2:35 until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.
Act 2:36 “Therefore let all the house of Yisra’ĕl know for certain that Elohim has made this יהושע, whom you impaled, both ADON (Master) and Messiah.” TS2009
If you notice in the above translation both ADONI and ADON are used (verse 34 ADONI) (verse 36 ADON). The translation wants us to believe both without a distinction between the two while the so called scholars believe adoni to be rendered to Yahusha seeing his humanity as adoni means master, as in a human master. Unitarism Messianic Judaism wants you to believe 'adoni' an earthly ruling man. If you see verse 36 says Aluahym has made this Yahusha whom you impaled, both ADON and Messiah whereas the verse in Hebrew reads
I looked up Acts 2:36 word to word in Hebrew and here is the correct translation:
Act 2:36 לכן ידע־נא בית־ישראל כלו ברור כי האלהים שם את־ישוע זה אשר צלבתם לאדון ולמשיח׃
Acts 2:36 Therefore/laken let know/yedana all the/kulo house/beyt of Yisrael for certain/barur that/kiy the Elohim/ha Aluahym has placed/sam Yahusha this/zeh whom/asher you crucified ( ts’lab’tem) as YHUH (ADON) and the Mashiyach.
In simple English: Acts 2:36 Therefore let know all the house of Yisrael for certain that the Elohim has placed Yahusha this whom you crucified as YHUH (ADON) and the Mashiyach.
The Hebrew word 'sam' (samek mem) means 'placed'. It's not clear whether the word there is 'sam' or 'sham' because when they do a reverse translation the samek in most places gets auto converted to a 'shin'. If they meant 'sham' then 'sham' means 'name' and the translation would render as follows:
Acts 2:36 Therefore let know all the house of Yisrael for certain that the Elohim has named/sham Yahusha this whom you crucified as YHUH (ADON) and the Mashiyach.
Psa 110:1 A Psalm of David. The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. KJV
Most of the Hebrew texts say 'Adoni' and translate as lord with a lower case for Yahusha ha Mashiyach a title used for human rulers. Something somewhere is wrong and since Dead Sea scrolls don't have Psalms 110:1 to verify how it was written in the oldest translation, we only have the Aleppo Codex so we have to look at it to understand what it says there
Psa 110:1 יהוה said to my Master/ADONI, “Sit at My right hand, Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.” TS2009
Psalms 110:1 א לדוד מזמור נאם יהוה לאדני--שב לימיני עד-אשית איביך הדם לרגלי (Aleppo Codex)
א (Alaph) לדוד (La Daud: of Daud) מזמור (Mizmor: A Song)נאם (na am: Uttered)יהוה (YHUH:Yahuah)לאדני (la Adoni: to my master)שב (Shab: Sit)לימיני (to my right) עד (ad: until)אשית (Ashayat: I make)איביך (Aybayak: your enemies)הדם (ha dam: the blood)לרגלי (la ragalay: of your feet)
In Simple English: Psalms 110:1 Alaph. Of Daud A Song. Uttered Yahuah to Adoni sit to my right hand until I make your enemies the blood of your feet.
Unitarians who have the same belief of Rabbanical Judaism look at the word 'adoni' and quickly point out that Yahusha is a human master and not Divine (because of the word) on the same ground as Yahuah himself as in a divine prophetic utterance saying this in Psalms 110:1. Firstly Rabbanical Judaism is divided on this verse as many don't believe in Mashiyach and render this verse to Abraham, yet some say it's one of the High priests and yet others say the adoni is Daud. The pen of the scribes changed the tetragrammation as in Paleo Hebrew YHUH to Adon and adoni. Below are the proof verses where the name YHUH (Yahuah) appears in the original texts but the pen of the scribes have changed it to 'adoni' for Yahuah.
Genesis 18:3,27,30,32; 19:18; 20:4. Exodus 4:10,13; 5:22; 15:17; 34:9,9. Numbers 14:17. Joshua 7:8. Judges 6:15; 13:8. 1 Kings 3:10,15; 22:6. 2Kings 7:6; 19:23. Isaiah 3:17,18; 4:4; 6:1,8,11; 7:14,20; 8:7; 9:8,17; 10:12; 11:11; 21:6,8,16; 28:2; 29:13; 30:20; 37:24; 38:14,16; 49:14. Ezekiel 18:25,29; 21:13; 33:17,29. Amos 5:16; 7:7,8; 9:1. Zechariah 9:4. Micah 1:2. Malachi 1:12,14. Psalm 2:4; 16:2; 22:19,30; 30:8; 35:3,17,22; 37:12; 38:9,15,22; 39:7; 40:17; 44:23; 51:15; 54:4; 55:9; 57:9; 59:11; 62:12; 66:18; 68:11,17,19,22,26,32; 73:20; 77:2,7; 78:65; 79:12; 86:3,4,5,8,9,12,15; 89:49,50; 90:1,17; 110:5; 130:2,3,6. Daniel 1:2; 9:3,4,7,9,15,16,17,19,19,19. Lamentations 1:14,15,15; 2:1,2,5,7,18,19,20; 3:31,36,37,58. Ezra 10:3. Nehemiah 1:11; 4:14. Job 28:28.
Firstly one must understand how they got this word ADON?
They got this word from Torah. I have briefly shown this in my study ' Exposition on the Tabernacle of Witness' in my study
Exo 26:19 And thou shalt make forty sockets/adan H134 of silver under the twenty boards; two sockets/H134 adan under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets/H134 adan under another board for his two tenons.
The word 'adan' H134 is from the same word 'adon' H113
From the same as H113 (in the sense of strength); a basis (of a building, a column, etc.): - foundation, socket.
אָדֹן אָדוֹן
'âdôn 'âdôn
aw-done', aw-done'
From an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, that is, controller (human or divine): - lord, master, owner.
The word 'Adan' and 'Adon' means 'The foundation of a column or pillar as the support of the structure'
The replaced Yahuah's name to 'ADON/ADONI' not only in the OT but also in the Renewed Testament and the Masoretes vowel pointing gives the same word different pronunciation and a different meaning altogether unless one sees the originality of the word in supporting the tabernacle/mishkanot in lifting up something that is taken down and re-erected. The picture is of Yisrael in the wilderness journey in a TRANSITION from Turahless to Turah in rehearsals. While they journeyed the tabernacle was removed and its items carried by the Leuites until they camped for sometime in the wilderness and the tabernacle fastened by the adon/scokets. This kept happening for 40 years until they reached the promised land and their sojourning ended and the ark came to it's resting place in the time of Daud who desired to build a house to the name of Yahuah. This was Yahuah's response to Daud through Nathan the prophet.
2Sa 7:1 And it came to be when the sovereign was dwelling in his house, and יהוה had given him rest from all his enemies all around,
2Sa 7:2 that the sovereign said to Nathan the prophet, “See now, I am dwelling in a house of cedar, but the ark of Elohim dwells within curtains.”
2Sa 7:3 And Nathan said to the sovereign, “Go, do all that is in your heart, for יהוה is with you.”
2Sa 7:4 And it came to be that night that the word of יהוה came to Nathan, saying,
2Sa 7:5 “Go and say to My servant Dawiḏ, ‘Thus said יהוה, “Would you build a house for Me to dwell in?
2Sa 7:6 “For I have not dwelt in a house since the time that I brought the children of Yisra’ĕl up from Mitsrayim, even to this day, but have moved about in a Tent and in a Dwelling Place.
2Sa 7:7 “Wherever I have walked with all the children of Yisra’ĕl, have I ever spoken a word to anyone from the tribes of Yisra’ĕl, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Yisra’ĕl, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?’ ” ’
2Sa 7:8 “And now, say to My servant Dawiḏ, ‘Thus said יהוה of hosts, “I took you from the pasture, from following the flock, to be ruler over My people, over Yisra’ĕl.
2Sa 7:9 “And I have been with you wherever you have gone, and have cut off all your enemies from before you, and have made you a great name, like the name of the great ones who are on the earth.
2Sa 7:10 “And I shall appoint a place for My people Yisra’ĕl, and shall plant them, and they shall dwell in a place of their own and no longer be afraid, neither shall the children of wickedness oppress them again, as at the first,
2Sa 7:11 even from the day I appointed rulers over My people Yisra’ĕl, and have caused you to rest from all your enemies. And יהוה has declared to you that He would make you a house.
2Sa 7:12 “When your days are filled and you rest with your fathers, I shall raise up your seed after you, who comes from your inward parts, and shall establish his reign.
2Sa 7:13 “He does build a house for My Name, and I shall establish the throne of his reign forever.
The same transition we see in the book of Acts from physical Turah to spiritual Turah, from being a physical Yahudite to a spiritual Yahudite until it was established through the doctrines established by the counsel of the emissaries who were taught by the Ruach in their sojournings.
One of the reasons why the word ADON would have been used to replace the four letter tetragrammation YHUH would have been as the word shows a similarity to the meaning of the name Yahuah which means 'Yod/Hand Hey/behold Uau/Nailed Hey/Behold' as in Yahuah making his tabernacle with man just as John 1:14 speaking of Ha Mashiyach says 'And the Dabar was made flesh and tabernacled with us'. Below is the word Adon which shows the heavenly supremacy through the doorway pegging with us as the seed/son.

While the word 'adonay/adoni' shows a limitation of a dwelling ruler. See the picture below:

Mat 22:41 And when the Pharisees were gathered together, יהושע asked them,
Mat 22:42 saying, “What do you think concerning the Messiah? Whose Son is He?” They said to Him, “The Son of Dawiḏ.”
Mat 22:43 He said to them, “Then how does Dawiḏ in the RUACH call Him ‘ADON,’ saying,
Mat 22:44 ‘יהוה said to my Master/ADONI, “Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool of Your feet” ’?
Mat 22:45 “If then Dawiḏ calls Him ‘Master/ADON,’ how is He his Son?”
Mat 22:46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, and from that day on no one was bold enough to ask Him any more questions.
While the same thing is seen in the translation in Matthew 22:41-46 where both ADON and ADONI is used to describe Yahusha ha Mashiyach, the passages quoted by Yahusha ha Mashiyach himself brings out the truth of his heavenly supremacy over Daud which Kepha affirms in Acts 2:34 “For Dawiḏ did not ascend into the heavens.....
Yahusha makes the Yahudites thinking that if Mashiyach was the Son of Dawid how does Dawid in the Ruach call him 'ADON'? Dawid was a king and no king would call his son/seed to be above him. In this case Dawid called him ADON/YHUH because his/Dawid's rule was because of Him and not vice-versa. Many miss this point. So whether Yahusha used the name YHUH instead of ADON as per their texts or used the replacement ADON for YHUH, they had no answer to his question because they were not able to comprehend how YHUH/ADON could be the Son of Dawid and yet be his YHUH/ADON. The same can be understood when Kepha on the Day of Shavout being filled by the Ruach called Yahusha as YHUH or the replacement from their texts ADON as seen in Acts 2;36. The result was they were cut to the heart.
Keeping Masha's Turah in the letter:
We see many instances where the emissaries went up to the Yahudite temple at various times for prayer, for cleansing laws etc even after the veil of the temple was torn into two when Yahusha hung on the stake, many people looking at the transitional behavior and not discerning would do the same things the emissaries did in their sojourning/transition from the physical to the spiritual without understanding why they did this
Act 3:1 And Kĕpha and Yoḥanan were going up to the Set-apart Place at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.
It says Kepha and Yohanan went up to the Set-apart place at the hour of prayer at the ninth hour and they healed a lame man. Some even would look at uninspired gospels to teach that James the emissary was a Zadok priest would go into the most set apart place on the Day of Atonement as he had 5000 followers who believed in the name of Yahusha and the Pharisees were afraid of him and the followers and allowed him. Such teachings show the carnality of those professing faith in Yahusha and do not understand why the book of Hebrews was written and one of the verses reads that we enter the Most-Set apart place by the blood of Yahusha through the veil of his flesh.
Heb 10:19 So, brothers, having boldness to enter into the Set-apart Place by the blood of יהושע,
Heb 10:20 by a new and living way which He instituted for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh,
There are various scriptures in Acts of the apostles showing Shaul/Paul went upto Yerushalayim to keep the feasts of Yahuah, and there are also scriptures where he purified himself and offered a sacrifice for cleansing on the advice of James to affirm to the believing Yahudites (in their transition journey) that he kept the Turah of Masha in the letter so as to keep them united in Mashiyach as many Yahudites were adamant that they had to keep Masha's Turah even after turning to Mashiyach.
Act 21:17 And when we had arrived in Yerushalayim, the brothers received us gladly.
Act 21:18 And on the following day Sha’ul went in with us to Yaʽaqoḇ, and all the elders came.
Act 21:19 And having greeted them, he was relating one by one what Elohim had done among the gentiles through his service.
Act 21:20 And when they heard it, they praised the Master. And they said to him, “You see, brother, how many thousands of Yehuḏim there are who have believed, and all are ardent for the Torah.
Act 21:21 “And they have been informed about you that you teach all the Yehuḏim who are among the gentiles to forsake Mosheh, saying not to circumcise the children nor to walk according to the practices.
Act 21:22 “What then is it? They shall certainly hear that you have come.
Act 21:23 “So do this, what we say to you: We have four men who have taken a vow.
Act 21:24 “Take them and be cleansed with them, and pay their expenses so that they shave their heads. And all shall know that what they have been informed about you is not so, but that you yourself also walk orderly, keeping the Torah.
Act 21:25 “But concerning the gentiles who believe, we have written and decided that they should keep themselves from what is offered to idols, and blood, and what is strangled, and whoring.”
Act 21:26 Then Sha’ul took the men on the next day, and having been cleansed with them, went into the Set-apart Place to announce the completion of the days of separation – until the offering should be presented for each one of them.
We see Shaul shaving his hair as he took a vow (according to Masha's Turah of purification as seen above in Acts 21:17-26) and also was keen to go upto Yerushalayim to keep one of the feasts of Yahuah to keep the Yahudites who turned to Mashiyach from falling away from their new faith. This shows the emissaries understood that a transition doesn't happen overnight.
Act 18:18 And Sha’ul, having stayed several days more, having taken leave of the brothers, was sailing for Syria, and Priscilla and Aqulas were with him, having shaved his hair at Kenḥrea, for he had taken a vow.
Act 18:19 And he came to Ephesos, and left them there, but he himself went into the congregation and reasoned with the Yehuḏim.
Act 18:20 And when they asked him to stay a longer time with them, he declined,
Act 18:21 but took leave of them, saying, “I have to keep this coming festival in Yerushalayim by all means, but I shall come back to you, Elohim desiring so.” And he sailed from Ephesos.
Act 20:16 For Sha’ul had decided to sail past Ephesos, so that he might lose no time in Asia, for he was hurrying to be at Yerushalayim, if possible, on the Day of the Festival of Weeks
We see the same Shaul understood that it wasn't required to go upto Yerushalayim as stated in the Turah that 3 times every male should appear before me with an offering for the feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Shavout and Feast of Tabernacles as he taught the Corinthian assembly the spiritual application of the feast of Pesach and Unleavened bread in the right understanding that the leaven was sin and the elect in Mashiyach were to cleanse themselves from the old leaven so that they become a new lump in Mashiyach our Pesach who was offered for us.
1Co 5:7 Therefore cleanse out the old leaven, so that you are a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Messiah our Passover was offered for us.
1Co 5:8 So then let us observe the festival, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Act 20:5 And these, going ahead, waited for us at Troas.
Act 20:6 And we sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread, and came to them at Troas in five days, where we stayed seven days.
Day of Unleavened Bread required all males to be in Yerushalayim but Shaul was not at Yerushalayim. He at times went up and at times didn't. The times he went up was to strengthen the brethren in faith and not to keep the requirement of the Turah that 3 times every year every male should appear before Yahuah in the place he chooses i.e. Yerushalayim. We see the writer of book of Hebrews showing Abraham looked to the Heavenly country in which righteousness dwells and understood the promise made to him that Yahuah would give the land of Canaan to his seed forever spiritually and so did the fathers of faith.
Heb 11:8 By belief, Aḇraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he was about to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.
Heb 11:9 By belief, he sojourned in the land of promise as a stranger, dwelling in tents with Yitsḥaq and Yaʽaqoḇ, the heirs with him of the same promise,
Heb 11:10 for he was looking for the city having foundations, whose builder and maker is Elohim.
Heb 11:15 And yet, if they had indeed kept remembering that place from which they had come out, they would have had the chance to return.
Heb 11:16 But now they long for a better place, that is, a heavenly. Therefore Elohim is not ashamed to be called their Elohim, for He has prepared a city for them.
It was the Ruach working in and through them in strengthening those turning to Mashiyach in the fulness of the stature of the renewed man which Shaul spoke of.
Col 3:10 and have put on the new one who is renewed in knowledge according to the likeness of Him who created him,
Col 3:11 where there is not Greek and Yehuḏite, circumcised and uncircumcised, foreigner, Scythian, slave, free, but Messiah is all, and in all.
Eph 4:22 that you put off – with regard to your former way of life – the old man, being corrupted according to the desires of the deceit,
Eph 4:23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
Eph 4:24 and that you put on the renewed man which was created according to Elohim, in righteousness and set-apartness of the truth.
Eph 4:11 And He Himself gave some as emissaries, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as shepherds and teachers
Eph 4:12 for the perfecting of the set-apart ones, to the work of service to a building up of the body of the Messiah,
Eph 4:13 until we all come to the unity of the belief and of the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the completeness of Messiah,
So to go upto Yerushalayim to keep a feast or to do carnal things as sacrifice a lamb, remove literal leaven from houses during Unleavened bread, building and living in literal sukka's during Sukkot etc shows that those who claim to be Yahudites have not transitioned because they formulate their doctrines from the book of Acts based on the behavior of the people who were transitioning.
Reason and understand why there would be a separate set of rules for the guym/gentiles (lost sheep of the house of Yisrael) and read for yourself and understand that there was no problem for the Yisraelites in dispersion/scattering to understand the faith in Mashiyach for there was no transition for them from literal/physical Turah to spiritual. It was purely spiritual and they had no problem with that. The problem was with the believing Yahudites who taught that unless you are circumcised according to the practice of Masha, you are not saved. They were in a transition.
Act 15:1 And certain men came down from Yehuḏah and were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised, according to the practice of Mosheh, you are unable to be saved.”
Act 15:2 So when Sha’ul and Barnaḇah had no small dissension and dispute with them, they arranged for Sha’ul and Barnaḇah and certain others of them to go up to Yerushalayim, to the emissaries and elders, about this question.
Act 15:22 Then it seemed good to the emissaries and elders, with all the assembly, to send chosen men from among them to Antioch with Sha’ul and Barnaḇah: Yehuḏah being called Barsabba, and Sila, leading men among the brothers,
Act 15:23 having written by their hand this: The emissaries and the elders and the brothers, To the brothers who are of the gentiles in Antioch, and Syria, and Kilikia: Greetings.
Act 15:24 Since we have heard that some who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your lives, to whom we gave no command –
Act 15:25 it seemed good to us, having become of one mind, to send chosen men to you with our beloved Barnaḇah and Sha’ul,
Act 15:26 men who have given up their lives for the Name of our Master יהושע Messiah.
Act 15:27 We have therefore sent Yehuḏah and Sila, who are also confirming this by word of mouth.
Act 15:28 For it seemed good to the Set-apart Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessities:
Act 15:29 that you abstain from what is offered to idols, and blood, and what is strangled, and whoring. If you keep yourselves from these, you shall do well. Be strong!
The same was reiterated by James when he asked Shaul to be purified with some brothers in the temple for the sake of the believing Yahudites.
Act 21:25 “But concerning the gentiles who believe, we have written and decided that they should keep themselves from what is offered to idols, and blood, and what is strangled, and whoring.”
My prayer is that everyone reading this study understand and keep themselves from carnal things as carnal things do not appease Yahuah as the flesh is against the ruach. My prayer is also that the reader understand and affirm the divinity of Mashiyach based on the facts stated in this study to show how the pen of the scribes changed the YHUH to ADON and ADONI to demean our Savior.
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