Monday, September 5, 2022

John 14:6 pictographic representation in Paleo Hebrew



Isa 49:16 “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are always before Me.


AM in Abary means mother and spiritually shows us the mother Yerushalayim in covenant within Yahusha our Adon, where she is called the pillar and ground of truth.

1Tim 3:15 but if I tarry long, so that you shall know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of the Elohim, which is the assembly of the living Elohim, the pillar and ground of the truth/amat.

MAT H4962 in Abary means ‘mortal man’

The Alaph Tau became mortal and came in water and blood to covenant with us to Heavenly Yerushalayim within him


A continuity/perpetual life leaving behind mortality. Chay is a root word in Chauah who was the mother of all living and stood spiritually pointing to the promise of Heavenly Yerushalayim where she would be saved in child bearing i.e.bearing the seed, the Mashiyach

1Ti 2:13 For A’dam was first formed, then Chauah.

1Ti 2:14 And A’dam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

1Ti 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be safe in child bearing, if they continue in belief and love and holiness with sobriety.

Yahusha’s claim shows us that unless we understand and see Him as Yahuah no one can come to the Father because the Father is revealed in his Person and not beyond him.

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