The same word tabal/טבל is used for immersion in the Renewed covenant in Yahusha and he fulfilled all righteousness by immersing himself in the waters.
Luke 3:21 And it came to be, when all the people were immersed(Hebrew: טבל tabal Greek: baptisthenai) , יהושע also being immersed (Hebrew: טבל tabal Greek: baptisthentos), and praying, the heaven was opened, 22 and the Set-apart Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven saying, “You are My Son, the Beloved, in You I did delight.”
Mat 3:14 But Yoḥanan was hindering Him, saying, “I need to be immersed (Hebrew: =טבל tabal, Greek: baptisthenai) by You, and You come to me?”
Mat 3:15 But יהושע answering, said to him, “Permit it now, for thus it is fitting for us to fill all righteousness.” Then he permitted Him.
Mat 3:16 And having been immersed (Hebrew: טבל tabal, Greek: baptistheis), יהושע went up immediately from the water, and see, the heavens were opened, and He saw the Spirit of Elohim descending like a dove and coming upon Him,
Mat 3:17 and see, a voice out of the heavens, saying, “This is My Son, the Beloved, in whom I did delight.”
Now that we saw the origin of 'baptizo' from the Hebrew word 'tabal' which means to dip/immerse let's see the word 'wash/rachats' in Hebrew and its co-relation with 'tabal'.
As dipping/tabalyath in the Torah there were various washings from the sacrificial lamb/goat/heifer to people washing themselves in cleansing, priests washing their hands before and after ministration from the basin of bronze etc. Washing was a part of the Yahudite custom that they would wash their feet and even offer their guests to wash their feet to refresh them.
Gen 18:1 And יהוה appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamrĕ, while he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day.
Gen 18:2 So he lifted his eyes and looked, and saw three men standing opposite him. And when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground,
Gen 18:3 and said, “יהוה, if I have now found favour in Your eyes, please do not pass Your servant by.
Gen 18:4 “Please let a little water be brought, and wash/rachats רחצ H7364 your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree.
Gen 19:1 And the two messengers came to Seḏom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Seḏom. And when Lot saw them, he rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground,
Gen 19:2 and he said, “Look, please my masters, please turn in to your servant’s house and spend the night, and wash/rachats H7364 your feet, and rise early and go your way.” And they said, “No, but let us spend the night in the open square.”
The word for wash is 'rachats רחצ ' H7364
Exo 29:4 “Then you shall bring Aharon and his sons to the door of the Tent of Meeting, and wash/H7364 rachats them with water.
Exo 29:17 “And cut the ram in pieces, and wash/rachats H7364 its entrails and its legs, and place them upon its pieces and on its head.
Exo 30:17 And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying,
Exo 30:18 “And you shall make a basin of bronze, with its stand also of bronze, for washing/rachats H7364. And you shall put it between the Tent of Meeting and the altar and shall put water in it.
Exo 30:19 “And Aharon and his sons shall wash/rachats H7364 from it their hands and their feet.
'Rach' in Abary means 'travel/path' and 'chats' means 'arrow dividing the flesh'
This word spiritually shows us the spiritual meaning of this 'washing' in Mashiyach because he took the rach/travel or path to divide us from the flesh into the Ruach regeneration. The word 'rach' is also in 'RUACH' translated as 'SPIRIT'.
Why did John immerse in the Yarden?
While we read about the immersion/tabal, Yahuchanan was immersing in the Yarden because it was running/chay water and Yahusha went to dip himself in that immersion and the Ruach came in the dove form and sat on him. The word for dove is yunah and was a sign showing that he is the one who immerses with the Ruach and fire.
The yunah/dove sacrifice... Torah portion
Lev 14: 5 “And the priest shall command, and he shall slay one of the birds in an earthen vessel over living /chayim חים water.
They translated chayim חים as running but chay means live/life. The two birds/tsippor which Torah speaks of was the yunah/doves or a pair of pigeons for cleansing the leper.
Lev 14: 6 “Let him take the live bird and the cedar wood and the scarlet/shanay H8144 crimson/H8438 tola and the hyssop, and dip/H2881 tabal them and the live bird in the blood of the bird that was slain over the running/H2416 chay water.
7 “And he shall sprinkle it seven times on him who is to be cleansed from the leprosy, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the live bird loose in the open field.
The living bird along with the cedar wood, scarlet crimson (shanay tola: double dipped red) and hyssop (azub) dipped/tabal in the blood of the sacrificed bird over chay/living water was left to fly away and the leper pronounced clean after sprinkling on him seven times and he had to rachats /wash himself.
There were only 2 birds in Torah which could be used to offer as sacrifices
Lev1:14 But if his offering to Yahuah is a burnt offering of birds,
then he shall bring his offering from the male/ בני banay turtledoves/ תורם torim H8449 or from young pigeons/ יונה yunah H3123.
In Leviticus 14:6 we see the priest in cleansing the leper using the live bird which speaks of the renewal in Mashiyach's sacrifice just as the dove which came down on him when he immersed/tabal himself in the waters, the cedar wood which speaks of Mashiyach's stake, the shanay tola/the deep red dye color showing his blood on the tree, and the hyssop showing the cleansing.
To understand the deep red dye which they used in the scarlet thread You may read my study 'The worm that clung to the tree' here:
We are the lepers in need of the cleansing by our Savior Yahusha.
Lev 14:8 “And he who is to be cleansed shall wash his garments, and shall shave off all his hair and wash/ H7364 rachats himself in water, and shall be clean. Then after that he comes into the camp, but shall stay outside/khats H2351 his tent seven days.
The Torah is spiritual and shows the immersion to be Yahusha's death and his rising from the waters the resurrection just as the yunah /doves shows and in the living /chay waters of Yarden. These are spiritual things and need to be discerned spiritually in a spiritual vs spiritual comparison. The leper was put outside the camp, that's where we go to bear the reproach of Mashiyach and be cleansed by Him.
Yahusha also fulfilled Torah as he was the High priest and by washing the feet of his twelve who were pillars of the renewed testament and carriers of his spiritual priesthood he ushered them into the renewal. The OT tabernacle/temple had the bronze basin filled with water besides the altar where the priests washed before and after they ministered. Here the high priest ministers the washing of their feet himself which is an act of humility and service.
John 13:5 After that He put water into a basin and began to wash/rachats the feet of the taught ones, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.
John 13:8 Kepha said to Him, Never shall You wash/rachats my feet! Yahusha answered him, “If I do not wash/rachats you, you have no part with Me.
Kepha understood that the Master needed his feet to be washed just as Abraham & Lot did to the messenger of Yahuah when Yahuah came as one of the messengers by washing their feet. What Kepha didn't know that he himself being the kahan/priest was representing Yahusha's basarah, his feet were being washed/rachats by the High Priest i.e. Yahusha to take the basarah of his priesthood into this world. The emissaries would go out with the basarah which those believing would be washed/rachats in the living water and not in the oldness of the letter in divers washings as Torah stated which stood only in types and shadows. By not allowing him to wash he wouldn't have part in the priesthood.
John 13:12 So when He had washed/rachats their feet, and taken His garments and reclined at the table again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?”
John 13:13 “You call Me Teacher and ADON ; and you say well, for so I am.”
John 13:14 “If I then, ADON and the Teacher, washed/rachats your feet, you also ought to wash/rachats one another’s feet.”
John 13:15 “For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.”
The Christians picked up this practice literally and so do the Messianics without understanding the spiritual fulfillment and our call to receive him whom Yahusha sends. The ones coming in his name with the true basarah are the ones we serve spiritually by refreshing them just as Abraham, Lot etc did. After washing his disciples feet Yahusha said....
John 13:20 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”
Heb 13:1 Let the brotherly love continue.
Heb 13:2 Do not forget to receive strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained messengers.
The carnal washings continue in an outward show of humility but what matters is whom are you refreshing?
This word rachats can be seen in several texts of the renewed covenant
Joh 9:1 And passing by, He saw a man, blind from birth.
Joh 9:2 And His taught ones asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?”
Joh 9:3 יהושע answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of Elohim might be made manifest in him.
Joh 9:4 “It is necessary for Me to work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day – night is coming, when no one is able to work.
Joh 9:5 “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
Joh 9:6 Having said this, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva, and applied the clay to the eyes of the blind man.
Joh 9:7 And He said to him, “Go, wash/rachats in the pool of Shiloaḥ” (which means Sent). So he went and washed, and came seeing.
The Pool of Shiloach (Hebrew: בריכת השילוח, Breikhat Ha Shiloach) was a rock-cut pool on the southern slope of the City of David, the original site of Jerusalem, located outside the walls of the Old City to the southeast. The pool was fed by the waters of the Gihon Spring, carried there by two aqueducts.It was spring water brought in by tunnels by king Hezekiah during his reign. So this pool was fed by running water of the Gihon Spring known as the upper pool.
2Ki 18:17 And the sovereign of Ashshur sent the Tartan, and the Raḇsaris, and the Raḇshaqĕh from Laḵish, with a great army against Yerushalayim, to Sovereign Ḥizqiyahu. And they went up and came to Yerushalayim. And when they had come up, they came and stood by the channel of the upper pool, which was on the highway to the Launderer’s Field.
Isa 7:3 And יהוה said to Yeshayahu, “Go out now to meet Aḥaz, you and She’ar-Yashuḇ your son, at the end of the channel of the upper pool, on the highway of the Launderer’s Field,
This aqueduct was very vulnerable to attackers, so, under threat from the Assyrian king Sennacherib, Hezekiah sealed up the old outlet of the Gihon Spring and the Upper Pool, and built the underground Shiloach tunnel in place of the aqueduct (2 Chronicles 32:2-4).
2Ch 32:2 And Ḥizqiyahu saw that Sanḥĕriḇ had come, and his face set to fight against Yerushalayim,
2Ch 32:3 and he took counsel with his rulers and mighty men to stop the water from the springs which were outside the city. And they helped him.
2Ch 32:4 And many people were gathered, and they stopped all the springs and the stream that ran through the land, saying, “Why should the sovereigns of Ashshur come and find much water?”
Isa 36:2 And the sovereign of Ashshur sent the Raḇshaqĕh with a great army from Laḵish to Sovereign Ḥizqiyahu at Yerushalayim. And he stood by the channel of the upper pool, on the highway to the Launderer’s Field.
Neh 3:15 And the Fountain Gate was repaired by Shallun son of Kol-Ḥozeh, ruler of the district of Mitspah. He built it and covered it, and set up its doors, its bolts and bars – also the wall of the Pool of Shiloach/H7975 by the Sovereign’s Garden, as far as the stairs going down from the City of Dawiḏ.
During the rebuilding of the temple after the Babylonian captivity Nehemiah records the wall of the Pool of Shiloach being repaired.
Shiloach/Shalach in Hebrew means 'SENT' שָׁלַח H7971 and is also termed as 'Apostle'
Joh 9:7 And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Shiloacḥ” (which means Sent). So he went and washed and came seeing.
There were two different blind men whom Yahusha healed in a near similar way by applying spit on their eyes, one in John/Yahuchanan 9 in Yerushalayim he made clay out of the ground by his spit and applied on his eyes and told him to go and wash in the Pool of Shiloach which we already saw was spring water and spring water is running/chay water. The other blind man in Bethsaida of Galilee he spat on the eyes and asked him if he sees and he saw men as trees walking, then he placed his hands on his eyes again and made him look up and he could see clearly.
Mar 8:22 And He came to Bĕyth Tsaiḏa, and they brought a blind man to Him, and begged Him to touch him.
Mar 8:23 And taking the blind man by the hand He led him out of the village. And having spit on his eyes, laying hands on him, He asked him, “Do you see at all?”
Mar 8:24 And he looked up and said, “I see men like trees, walking.”
Mar 8:25 Then He placed His hands on his eyes again and made him look up. And he was restored, and saw all clearly.
Mar 8:26 And He sent him away to his home, saying, “Do not go into the village.”
While the two blind men were healed in different fashion with some similarity, why would he do things differently for two different blind men to see?
In the message to the assembly at Laodicea Yahusha asked them to buy from him gold refined by fire so that they become rich, white garments to clothe their nakedness and eye salve that they could see. The word for lukewarm is 'pashur' which means 'interpretation' which shows that this assembly was in an 'in between position' not able to arrive at truth. I have covered this in detail in my study 'Why did Shaul tell that his epistle he wrote to Colossians be read in Laodicea?'
Four times Shaul the emissary mentions Laodicea in his epistle to the assembly in Colossae. ( Col 2:1, Col 4:13, Col 4:15-16). To understand why the epistle written to Colossae had to be read in the assembly at Laodicea bears so much emphasis in understanding the message of Yahusha to this assembly post the death of the emissary.
Rev 3:15 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold/qar nor hot/cham; I wish that you were cold or hot.”
Rev 3:16 “So then because you are lukewarm/pashur, and neither hot nor cold, I shall spit you out of My mouth.”
Rev 3:18 “I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, so that you become rich; and white garments, so that you become dressed, so that the shame of your nakedness might not be shown; and anoint your eyes with eyesalve (Hebrew: qalurayath Greek G2854 kollourion), so that you see.
The word 'qalurayath' is nowhere to be found used in the OT and the NT. Even the Greek word 'kollourion' is used only once in the NT. But if you see this word closely in Hebrew it has the root word 'qal' which means 'to gather' and 'qarayath' which means 'city' in which 'qar' means 'call'. The verb 'rayath' denotes a 'covenant' as this word is in 'barayath' which means 'covenant', 'karayathuth' which means 'divorce' showing a breaking of the covenant of marriage,' 'acharayath' which means 'last state' showing a 'state' of being at the end of a deed, 'gapharayath' which means 'brimstone' in which 'gaphar' means 'sulphur' and also means 'gopher tree' a tree/wood used for building, the rayath at the end shows a covenant, being broken which is why the built house is being burnt (just as Sodom and Amorah was).
Hence the word 'qalurayath' shows the ones to 'qal/gather' to the 'qarayath/city are the 'qar/called into the deed/rayath'. Hence the 'eye salve/qalurayath' would open one's eyes to see the Heavenly Yerushalayim and the ' running or living /chay water. If you reconcile the events surrounding both the blind men, one being spat upon his eye went to the pool of Shiloach (spring water symbolic of water of life not that the pool itself had any healing ability) and washed and came back seeing, one saw men as trees/ats walking after his eyes being spat upon and again when Yahusha placed his hands on his eyes he saw clearly. The Ruach hidden in the miracles showing the trees of life which are the two houses Yasharal and Yahudah in Mashiyach who is their root which supports them and these trees were yielding 12 manner of fruits yielding each fruit every month which shows the 12 tribes in the renewal. It's leaves were for the healing of the guym/gentiles who will be healed and engrafted.
The blind man healed in Yerushalayim was asked to wash in the Pool of Shiloach and the one healed in 'Bĕyth Tsaiḏa' was in Galilee where the lost sheep of the house of Yasharal dwelt. The one in Yerushalayim was asked to wash in the spring water to show that Yerushalyim stood symbolically for Heavenly Yerushalayim while the one in Galilee wasn't asked to wash in a pool but was shown men walking as trees/ats and then he could see clearly.
Rev 22:1 And he showed me a river of the water of life/chay, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of the Elohim and of the Lamb,
Rev 22:2 in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree/ats of life/chay, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month/chodesh; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Joh 12:21 These then came to Philip, who was from Bĕyth Tsaiḏa of Galil, and were asking him, saying, “Master, we wish to see יהושע.”
Now let's look at this miracle:
Joh 5:1 After this there was a festival of the Yehuḏim, and יהושע went up to Yerushalayim.
Joh 5:2 And in Yerushalayim at the Sheep Gate there is a pool, which is called in Heḇrew, Bĕyth Chasda, having five porches.
Joh 5:3 In these were lying a great number of those who were sick, blind, crippled, paralysed, waiting for the stirring of the water.
Joh 5:4 For a messenger was going down at a certain time into the pool and was stirring the water. Whoever stepped in first, then, after the stirring of the water, became well of whatever disease he had.
There was a pool in Beyth Chasda H2617 (בית חסד/חסדא), meaning either house of mercy or house of grace. In Hebrew the word could also mean "shame, disgrace" (H2616 as used in Proverbs 25:10) . This dual meaning may have been thought appropriate, since the location was seen as a place of disgrace due to the presence of invalids, and as a place of grace due to the washing of the sacrificial sheeps pointing to Yahusha the Lamb. Like the pool of Shiloach this pool of Beyth Chasda also was constructed in the eighth century BC during the reign of King Hezekiah, and an upper pool in the area of Beyth Chasda is the one mentioned in the 2 Kings 18:17; Isaiah 36:2. These were a pair of pools (pool of Shiloach and Beyth Chasda), an upper and a lower division of one large pool except that the pool of Shiloach was fed by the Gihon Spring while the water supply at Beyth Chasda was provided by rain. This pool of Beyth Chasda system may have been constructed in order to collect water for the washing of the sacrificial sheep as Yahuchanan mentions Sheep and Nehemiah mentions the rebuilding of the Sheep Gate. The Gate in John 9 was added by the translators to make sense because Nehemiah records of the Sheep Gate being repaired/rebuilt. The association with the washing of the sacrificial sheep could also be the origin of the sheep pool references.
Neh 3:1 And Elyashiḇ the high priest rose up with his brothers the priests and built the Sheep Gate. They set it apart and set up its doors, even as far as the Tower of Ḥanan’ĕl they set it apart, as far as the Tower of Ḥanane’ĕl.
Nehemiah doesn't record of this pool of Beyth Chasda but it surely would have been there as Yahuchanan/John records it.
Joh 5:2 And in Yerushalayim at the Sheep Gate there is a pool, which is called in Heḇrew, Bĕyth Zatha, having five porches.
Isa 22:9 And you saw the breaches of the city of Dawiḏ, that it was great. And you gathered together the waters of the lower pool.
John 5:4 is a disputed verse as many translations like NIV, ESV, RSV etc. omit this verse because they state the oldest Greek manuscripts don't have this verse and also that the angel coming to stir the water was a superstition. Most of these translations rely on the Wescot-Hort translation where many verses in the NT were removed. Also, this verse is missing in the Old Syriac Curetonian Gospels in Aramaic dated to the 4th century AD. But the Khabouris codex which is the handwritten oldest copy of the Aramaic version dated 165 AD is the oldest manuscript of the NT includes this verse.
The pen of the scribes deleted this verse and put it in the column because of the superstition of an angel coming and stirring the water. There is no OT reference mentioning of any such miraculous healing water. The stirring would have been a superstition as the water would have bubbled when the stream flowed into the pool which the sick lying there who were blind, crippled, paralyzed (John 5:3) held on to the belief that and angel came and stirred the water and that the first one entering would be healed. There is no evidence of anyone who was ever healed in that pool. But nevertheless the verses exists but needs to be looked closely as to why out of hundreds lying there only one would be healed in a certain season?
The man crippled for 38 years came there with hope of being healed and when Yahusha asked him whether he wants to be healed he only stated his facts based on his belief of what he must have heard of the water being stirred by an angel.
Joh 5:7 The sick man answered Him, “Master, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred, but while I am coming, another steps down before me.”
None of these waters had any healing power and there is no record of anyone being healed by these waters, these pools stood pointing symbolically to the river of life flowing from the throne of Yahusha in New Yerushalayim. The power to heal was in Yahusha who asked the blind man to wash/rachats in the Pool of Shiloach and he came back seeing and the man 38 years paralyzed was healed without entering into the pool of Beyth Chasda. The superstition of Beyth Chasda was running water/living water/chay would have been because these waters as Pool of Shiloach were used to wash oneself and sheep who came to the temple to worship which fleshly people looked to the physical benefits while the waters stood for a spiritual cleansing, and hence Yahusha's healing had a deep spiritual meaning.
Joh 7:2 And the festival of the Yehuḏim was near, the Festival of Booths/Sukkot.
John 7:37 Now on the last day, the great day of the Feast, Yahusha stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.”
John 7:38 “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’”
John 7:39 But this He spoke of the Ruach, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Ruach was not yet given, because Yahusha was not yet glorified.
Hence we see the eyesalve/qalurayath spiritually shows us to be able to see the qal/gathering of the qar/called into the qarayath/city into a deed/rayath and the city is New Yerushalayim and all the sacrifices in the running or living water/chay, pools of running or living water/chay which stood stood in shadows pointing to the true living water the Ruach who travels/rach in dividing the flesh/chats and rachats/washes in renewal in Mashiyach.
Heb 9:8 And the Ruach Ha Qodesh is declaring in this, that the way into the most set apart place of all the days
has not yet made while the outer tabernacle shall stand,
Heb 9:9 and it is a parable for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered
which does not complete of them the heart of the servant,
Heb9:10 For with meats and drinks, and different immersions (Hebrew: tabal, Greek: baptismois),
and fleshly regulations that is been imposed here until a time of correction.
Different immersions included the washings as per Torah. Now if we see what we have read so far, the washing/rachats (in the pools & in rituals of cleansings) and immersions (only in pools) are lumped all together by Shaul as fleshly regulations imposed until time of correction. Hence, the various outward fleshly washings don't cleanse the inner being as Kepha giving example of Noah and his family inside the ark (never wet with any water) and the ark represented Yahusha who saves from the wrath to come.
1Pe3:20 who were formerly disobedient, when the long suffering of Elohim waited
in the days of Noach, while the ark was being built in it, which a few, that is, eight souls,
were saved through the water.
1Pe3:21 and the like figure of the immersion (Hebrew: tabal, Greek: baptisma) who now also saves you,
not to put away of the filth of the flesh, but to ask you of a complete spirit
toward Elohim through the resurrection of `Yahusha the Mashiyach,
Baptism in the NT came as sign to those of the circumcision as a sign along with the apostles laying of hands.
Acts19:1 It came to be, while Appolos was at Qorintos, that Polos (Shaul) having passed
through the upper countries, came to Ephesos, and found some disciples.
Acts19:2 He said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit after that you believed?”
And they said to him, “No, we have not even heard that there is the Holy Spirit.”
Acts19:3 And he said to them, “Into what then were you immersed?”
And they said, “Into Yahuchanan’s immersion.”
Acts19:4 Polos (Shaul) said, “Yahuchanan indeed immersed with the immersion
of repentance, saying to the people to believe in the One who is coming after him,
that is, in the Mashiyach `Yahusha”
Acts19:5 And it came to pass when they heard this word,
they were immersed in the Name of the Adon (Master) Yahusha.
Acts19:6 And when Polos (Shaul) had laid his hands upon them,
the Holy Spirit came on them, and they were speaking in tongues and prophesied.
Acts 8:36 As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?”
The eunuch was already a Yahudite but from geo tagged location of Ethiopia (in a dispersion), he was reading from the book of the prophet YashaYahu and his immersion was a washing, but he was not from Yahudah or Yasharal, therefore there was no record of any of the apostles being called to lay hands on them.
Acts8:27 And he arose and went, and, behold, a man of Kushi/Ethiopia, an eunuch,
a court official of Qandaq, queen of Kush/Ethiopia, who was in charge of all her treasure,
who had come to Yerushalayim to worship,
Before this Philip was in Shomeron (part of Yasharal) and the people of Shomeron had believed in Yahusha and they sent Peter and John to lay hands on them to receive the Ruach ha Qodesh.
Acts 8:14 When the apostles who were at Yerushalam heard that Shomron had received
the Word of the Elohim, they sent Petros (Kepha) and Yahuchanan to them.
Acts 8:16 For the Spirit had not fallen on one of them until now,
but they had only been immersed in the Name of the Adon (Master) `Yahusha.
Acts 8:17 Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
Acts 9:17 So ChananYah departed and went into the house,
and after laying his hands on him said, “Brother Shaul, the Adon `Yahusha,
who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming,
has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 9:18 Immediately there fell from his eyes as it were scales,
and he received his sight suddenly, and he got up and was immersed.
Circumcision the Sign of the Covenant given to Abraham:
I have prepared 2 videos already on this so please go through them here:
1Cor 7:18 If anyone called being circumcised, let him not become uncircumcised.
If he is uncircumcised, let him not become circumcised.
1Cor 7:19 Circumcision is not considered, and uncircumcision is not considered,
but to keep the commandments of the Elohim.
Christianity and Hebrew roots movement misquote Shaul by only quoting verse 1Cor 7:19 in isolation, without explaining how a circumcised becomes uncircumcised? Shaul is emphasizing on keeping the commandments of Alahym.
Gal5:1 And now stand fast in the freedom with which the Mashiyach has made us free and shall not return to conquer with the yoke of bondage.
Gal5:2 Behold I, Pholos (Shaul), say to you that if you be circumcisied,
the Mashiyach shall be of no benefit to you.
Gal5:3 And I testify again this time to every man that is circumcised,
that he is a debtor to do the entire Law.
Gal5:4 You are derived from the Mashiyach,
you who are justified by the Law, you have fallen from the grace.
Gal5:5 For we in the Spirit, by the faith eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness.
Gal5:6 For in Mashiyach neither circumcision avails nor uncircumcision
but the faith working through love.
Galatians 5:1-6 taken in isolation shows that Shaul is preaching against circumcision. Firstly, we must understand that this epistle was written to the Yahudite congregation. If you watch both the videos, I have shared that the dispute in the NT assembly was that there was a sect of converted Pharisees who said that the Gentiles converting from Judaism to Messiah have to be circumcised to be saved. The Gentiles who were converts and attended on Shabbath days in the synagogues were already circumcised & the new converts were yet to be convinced of being circumcised. They needn't go through a blade of a Pharasieean approval to be incorporated into the assembly of Yahusha because its a matter of the heart. The dispute was sharp and it had to be taken to the Yerushalayim assembly council and the council gave instructions to the Gentiles.
And the instruction was no different than what a Yahudite would follow. For Moses was read in every synagogue from Sabbath to Sabbath and a Gentile would know if they had to be circumcised or not, they needn't have any other approval of another. The Pharasees sect was so much fleshly that they demanded even the circumcised Gentiles go through a second blade of approval. Shaul stood against these false doctrines.
Acts15:19 “Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those
from among the gentiles who are turning to Elohim.”
Acts15:20 but that we write to them that they abstain from the defilements of idols
and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.
Acts15:21 For Mosheh from ancient generations has, in every city, those proclaiming him,
since being read in the houses of synagogues from the day of Shabbat to Shabbat.
The same isolated texts taken out of context i.e. Gal 5:1-6 can mean differently unless a few verses down we read Shaul saying "..if I still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted?" Remember, Shaul received most of the persecution from the Yahudites for they didn't understand the Ruach basharah he brought forth to them.
Gal5:11 And I, my brothers, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted?
Then the stumbling block of the crucifixion ceased.
Gal5:12 I wish that the ones troubling you shall be cut off.
Acts21:21 They have been told about you, saying, “You teach all the Yahudim
who are among the gentiles to forsake from following after Mosheh,
by saying ‘that they ought not to circumcise their sons
nor to walk according to the customs of the Law.’”
Once we understand Gal 5:11-12 we can understand why Shaul says neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything because we all transition to the new creation in Mashiyach. The order of the new creation is the Master's body. The Adon for the body and the body for the Adon, where Love for Him in response to the New creation 2 laws is above all.
Gal6:15 For in Mashiyach Yahusha neither is circumcision considered,
nor uncircumcision, but a new creation.
Gal6:16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them,
and upon Yisra’El which is of Elohim.
Concluding statements:
1. What should the NT bride behavior?
The Royal laws transitioned to the Two which is the Love of the Adon. The Adon for the Body and the Body for the Adon. That’s why what came as pre-Torah to Abraham as a sign of righteousness transitions over to the body, as Yahusha himself was circumcised and was there a need for Him to be circumcised? If He is the head of the body and we are incorporated in His body (of His flesh and of His bones) and He is the Pesach Lamb, can we partake of Him if the decree came to distinguish a true Yahudi from a pagan that no alien or stranger can partake of the Pesach without being circumcised? (1 Cor 5:7-8)
2. The NT assembly state misunderstood:
The compulsion of circumcision to be saved was the Pharisees who converted to Mashiyach to which Shaul gives example of Abraham in Romans 4 :10-12. 3.
Gal 3:8 And the Scripture, having foreseen that Elohim would declare right the nations by belief, announced the Good News to Aḇraham beforehand, saying, “All the Gentiles shall be blessed in you,”
How can the Gentiles be blessed without the sign given to Abraham? Remember in the parable of Rich man and Lazarus, Lazarus was carried into Abraham’s bosom? An identity of being in the same covenant with the sign which came to the Gentiles. And the rich man in the parable represents the carnal Yahudi and Alazar (Lazarus) represents the Gentile wanting to eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table.
Luke 16:21 He (Lazarus) craved to be satisfied from the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table.
The dogs would even come and lick his blisters.”
This wanting to eat from the crumbs (bread of life) from the Master's table can be understood from the Canannite woman who replied to Yahusha “Yes, Adonay. However, even the little dogs eat from the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Yahusha tested her belief by saying “It is not good to take the children’s bread and to cast it before the little dogs.”
Matt15:22 And behold, a Kanaanite woman was coming out from those regions,
and she cried out to Him, saying, “Be gracious, Adoni (My master), Son of Dawid,
because my daughter is terribly afflicted by the possession of a demon.”
Matt15:23 But He did not answer her with a word. And His disciples approached Him
and requested of Him, saying, “Send her away, because she is crying out after us!”
Matt15:24 And He answered and said,
“I was not sent except to the lost sheep who are of the house of Yisra’El.”
Matt15:25 But she came and bowed to Him, and said “Adoni (My master), help me!”
Matt15:26 And He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread
And to cast it before the little dogs.”
Matt15:27 But she said, “Yes, Adonay. However, even the little dogs eat from the crumbs
that fall from their masters’ table.”
3. The Great Commission was to go to the cities of Yasharal:
The Atonement was limited, and it was limited to the remnant of the house of Yasharal.
Matt10:6 “Go to the lost sheep which is of the house of Yisra’El.”
Matt10:23 “And if they pursue you in one city, flee to another,
for truly, I say to you, you shall not have finished passing through the cities of Yisra’El
until the Son of Adam comes.”
Shaul and Barnabah never went on roads to preach to pagan gentiles. Acts 17:2-4, Acts 13:14, Acts 13:42 , Acts 16:13 and Acts 18:4 speak of them going to the synagogues every Sabbath to preach and the Gentiles mentioned were the new converts to Judaism who when preached turned to Yahusha. On day of Pentecost the Gentiles who came to the temple were the converted ones into Judaism who were already circumcised or else would they be able to partake of the Pesach?
4. Gentiles blessed in belief and seal of righteousness:
The New creation behavior incorporates the behavior to remain sanctified in the body of Mashiyach. For by One Ruach we were immersed into One body, whether Jew or Gentile, slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Ruach. Can we be an alien or stranger in partaking of our Pesach Lamb?
1Co 5:7 Therefore cleanse out the old leaven, so that you are a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Messiah our Pěsaḥ was slaughtered for us.
1Co 5:8 So then let us celebrate the festival, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Yahuah had in mind when He told Abraham “In you all Gentiles will be blessed “as the Pesach Lamb was Him in a transitioned body in whom we become unleavened. And before written Torah came the distinguished sign of righteousness in the flesh as a mark was given based on the heart condition, first the heart needs to be circumcised then in the flesh and not vice versa. Abraham walked with Alahym 24 years in uncircumcised state until he was given the sign when at 99 and the promised seed came forth only once he was circumcised when he was 100 years.
Hence, there is no replacement theology, it was always Plan A by Yahuah, no Plan B.
Adam was not created perfect. He had to make way for the heavenly. If he was perfect, he wouldn’t fall. Nakedness is a sign of imperfection; they were both naked and were not ashamed. Adam was made from the soil outside Eden.
Gen 3:23 so יהוה Elohim sent him out of the garden of Ěḏen to till the ground from which he was taken.
See here it says he was driven out of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken!
Gen 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, yet they were not ashamed.
The realization of nakedness only came when the law was broken. Shaul says I was alive once without the law, but when law came, I died.
Rom 7:9 And I was alive apart from the Torah once, but when the command came, the sin revived, and I died.
Rom 7:10 And the command, which was to result in life, this I found to result in death.
Rom 7:11 For sin, having taken the occasion through the command, deceived me, and through it killed me.
Adam and Eve were in the state of without Torah. When the command came, their flesh gave in to transgress. Adam could never frustrate the plan of Yahuah not to make way for the heavenly, he had to. This is what Shaul taught that the first man earthy and the Second man is the Adon from Heaven. Yahusha was not Plan B but always the Plan A.
Similarly, the covenant Yahuah made with Abraham with the associated token cannot be replaced by a temporary token which spoke of the same regenerative condition of the heart to a Yahudi to bring him to the realization for need of cleansing.
5. Abraham & Sarah:
Abram name was changed to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah as recorded in Gen 17
YAHUAH: This is how Yahuah transitioned:
Yahuah cocooned Himself to come forth in a transitioned form as the PROMISED SEED
Gen17:5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham;
For I shall make you the father of a multitude of nations.
Abram to Abraham:
Gen17:15 Then Elohim said to Abraham, As for Sarai your wife,
you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name.
Sarai to Sarah:
The yod (hand) was nailed (uau) to bring the many sons to glory.
6. Baptism was a sign to whom?
Baptism came as a sign to the Yahudites who were being incorporated into the assembly as they were already circumcised, and they needed a seal of authority of the apostles by laying on of hands based on their belief in the Master.
Then how come Shaul baptized Crispus/Qrispos and Gayos?
1Cor1:14 I thank Elohim that I immersed not one of you except Qrispos and Gayos,
Acts18:8 Qrispos, the ruler of the synagogue and he believed in the Adon (Master)
and all his household. And also many of the Qorinetim heard and believed
and were immersed.
Qrispos was the ruler of the Corinthian synagogue and the whole synagogue got converted to an assembly during Shaul's journey to Corinth. Gaius was Paul's companion in his journey's.
Acts20:4 They went with him as far as to Asya: Sophatros, the son of Puros, the Beroi,
and Aristarkos and Seqondos of the Tasloniqim, and Gaius the Derbi,
and Timothios, and Tukiqos and Trophimos of Asya.
1. People think Baptism replaces Circumcision. We saw that Baptism came as a sign for the Yahudi & the new Gentile converts (as they were already circumcised or yet to be circumcised). The Gentiles in context are the ones attending the synagogues and not the pagan Gentiles. Many examples shared that Shaul as his custom was went to reason in the synagogues every Sabbath. Not a single apostle went to the roads to preach the basharah.
2. We saw the similarity of the word baptizo (Greek) with the Hebrew equivalent word tabal which means to dip. Various OT scriptures show that tabal means to dip. Dipping was not a new doctrine invented by John the Baptist. The Torah itself came with various washings for purification. We saw another word in Hebrew 'rachats' which means 'washing'. The dipping and washing had to be done in running water.
A. We saw John the Baptist immersing in Yarden was it was running water which in Hebrew is termed as 'chayim mayim' which is translated as 'living waters'. Yahusha came as a fulfilment of the type as it was told John the Baptist that on whom the Ruach descends as a dove, He is the one who baptizes with Ruach and Fire.
B. We saw various examples from Torah in cleansing of a leper done in living water (chayim mayim) translated as running water with 2 doves.
C. Yahusha washed His disciple's feet over running water and not in the oldness of the letter as He was sending them with His Malchitsedeq Priesthood. Christianity picked up this as a ritual which is done during their Lent season.
D. Washings in running water examples were given of the blind man who was asked to wash in the pool of Shaliach which also means 'Sent', the pool was fed by the running water of Gichon spring known as the upper pool built by king Hezekiah.
E. 2 blind men were healed differently, one was told to go and wash in the pool of Shaliach while the other was spat upon which depicts the eye salve one needs to see which comes from Mashiyach Himself. (Rev 3:18). The Hebrew word 'qalurayath' translated as 'eye salve' has a verb 'rayath' which shows a covenant, and one needs eyes to see the New Creation order.
F. The presence of invalids as crippled, sick, paralyzed etc. in Beyth Chasda with a belief that a certain angel came down during a season and stirred the waters to heal the first one who entered it was a myth. This water of Beyth Chasda was fed by rainwater to collect water for various washings. It was separated as one portion of it the sacrificial sheep were washed in it. Yahusha broke the myth when he told the crippled man from 38 years to take up his bed and walk without entering into the water. The waters didn't have any miraculous properties as Yahusha is the only One who gives us LIVING WATERS.
G. Kepha the apostle to the Yahudim and Shaul the apostle to the Gentiles both show that the water baptism doesn't cleanse the filth of the flesh but the regeneration. 1 Peter 3:21 & Heb 9:10 and it was a sign which ceased.
H. Baptism came as a sign along with apostles laying on of hands. Various scriptures quoted from Acts and remember, it was a transition period.
I. Circumcision was the Seal of Righteousness given to Abraham. We saw Shaul giving example of Abraham being justified when he was called in an uncircumcised state and received the seal of righteousness while he was still uncircumcised (Rom 4:10). We see Shaul's perspective that circumcision of heart precedes the circumcision of the flesh. Shaul taught first to be convicted of your belief in Yahusha and only then be circumcised. He used terms as "If anyone called being circumcised, let him not become uncircumcised" 1 Cor 7:18. One cannot become uncircumcised, it's a paradox used here. We also saw Shaul in first blush seems to say in Galatians 5:2-3 Behold I, Pholos (Shaul), say to you that if you be circumcised, then Mashiyach shall be of no benefit to you. And I testify again this time to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the entire Law. But the same Shaul says in Galatians 5:11 "if I still preach circumcision, why am I still being persecuted?"
Hence, we must understand Shaul was writing Galatians to the Hebrews who had believed in Mashiyach and the assembly comprised of the Gentile converts (remember he only went to the synagogues) and he was letting them know that if you have the Hebrew roots carnal mindset then you are debtor to do the whole Torah. The Gentiles who were converts and attended on Shabbath days in the synagogues were already circumcised & the new converts were yet to be convinced of being circumcised. They needn't go through a blade of a Pharasieean approval to be incorporated into the assembly of Yahusha because it's a matter of the heart. This matter was taken to the Yerushalayim Apostolic council and clear instructions were given that when Moses is read, the new Gentile converts based on their conviction will undergo the circumcision and not by force to incorporate them into the body.
3. Concluding statements include:
A. What should be the NT bride's behavior? If the Royal laws transition, they transition in the Adon's body and the body is for the Adon and Adon for the body. Sanctification of our bodies is the highest priority for us in love and not fear. As perfect love casts out all fear.
B. The NT state of circumcision was misunderstood to mean it is annulled. However, the historical facts mentioned in the letter to the Gentiles is clear. There can't be 2 instructions for the Yahudites and the Gentiles in an end result, only when they are transitioning, they were more careful not to put the yoke of a Hebrew roots carnal mindset on the Ruach mind they were coming into in the Adon.
Examples given of Abraham's bosom into which Lazarus the Gentile was carried over to. The Blessedness to gentiles pass over through believing Abraham's Covenant Hebrew mindset. A gentile in an uncircumcised state either in heart or flesh cannot sit within covenant doors of the Abrahamic covenant as he will behave like father Abaraham. The Pesach Lamb is Mashiyach, and it was said that no alien or stranger in an uncircumcised state can partake of the Pesach Lamb.
C. The Great Commission shows Limited Atonement as the sending was to the lost sheep of the house of Yasharal. The apostles obeyed the command and only went to the synagogues and not to pagan gentiles.
D. Gentiles blessed in belief and seal of righteousness:
Yahuah had in mind when He told Abraham “In you all Gentiles will be blessed “as the Pesach Lamb was Him in a transitioned body in whom we become unleavened. And before written Torah came the distinguished sign of righteousness in the flesh as a mark was given based on the heart condition, first the heart needs to be circumcised then in the flesh and not vice versa. Abraham walked with Alahym 24 years in uncircumcised state until he was given the sign when at 99 and the promised seed came forth only once he was circumcised when he was 100 years.
Adam was never perfect and as a type of Him who was to come i.e. Mashiyach Yahusha (Rom 5:14) couldn't frustrate the Plan of Yahuah as there was never a plan B. The dividing of the flesh had to be done in order to show the difference between a carnal earthy seed vs the promised seed. Therefore, the one to come (Yahusha) came with circumcision made without hands which we covered in the next point.
E. Aram and Sarai named as Abraham and Sarah:
Yahuah in His name by His invisible hand had closed Sarai's womb. He removed the hand and using the uau/waw i.e. the cutting instrument circumcised Abraham and Sarai by giving them the HA ( ה) each to make Abram (father lifted) to Abraham (father exalted). While both the words mean the same (Ab אב raham רהם), the only difference we see in the Ruach is HA ( ה) means to behold and when the Ahb
is exalted IT WILL BE SEEN.
Sarai שרי means ' my prince' -the hand concealed the promise seed in a PROMISE by closing the womb until a defined period. HA ( ה) means to behold and when the Prince/שר comes, He will be Beheld. Hence, the one holding him was Sarah שרה which means princess. While Yitshaq seemed to be the promised seed, the promise was to the SEED and not to seeds as of many and the SEED is Mashiyach.
Baptism would eventually find its goal in transitioning the Yahudi and the Gentile believer to the goal i.e. the Regeneration of the new birth and regeneration given to us by the Ruach.
Tit 3:5 Not because the works of righteousness, which we have done,
but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of the new birth
and regeneration given to us by the Ruach Ha Qodesh.
The physical sign would later die out as seen by why Peter/Kepha spoke of the immersion is a figure (1Peter 3:21) & Shaul spoke of different immersions as fleshly regulations (Heb 9:10).
We have apostle to the Yahudi ie Peter and apostle to the Gentiles ie. Shaul both confirming to the Jews that the sign is over and transitioned to what it was always meant taking all of us in the Abrahamic bosom.
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