Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Our Father Prayer

  Luke 11:2 And He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father in the heavens/饜饜饜饜饜饜, let Your Name be set-apart/ yath qadosh 讬转拽讚砖 , let Your reign /malkuth 诪诇讻讜转 come/bua 讘讜讗, let Your desire /ratsun 专爪讜谉 be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Ps2:4 He who sits in the heavens/饜饜饜饜 饜饜饜饜饜 laughs, My Adon (Master) scoffs at them.
Yushab Bashamayam/饜饜饜饜 饜饜饜饜饜
‘He who sits’ should be correctly translated as ‘He who returns/yushab 讬讜砖讘 to the heavens’
The verse should correctly read as ‘He who returns to the heavens laughs, My Adon scoffs at them’
Similarly Our Father in heaven should read correctly as ‘Our Father who returns to the heavens’
Shabashamayam 砖讘砖诪讬诐 shows Abaynu (Our Father) returns to the heavens where shab 砖讘 means turn or return and shamayam 砖诪讬诐 means heavens where sham 砖诐 means name and plural shows names 砖诪讬诐
So Our Father returns with Names and we need to identify the One who has returned.
And that name is yath qadosh 讬转 拽讚砖 where yath is a similar word to alaph tau 讗转 and shows the hand covenant (yod is the hand and tau is the stake or covenant )
It shows His name will be sanctified by the hand/yod nailed to the stake/tau.
Luke 11:2 Let your kingdom come
The word kingdom ‘ 诪诇讻讜转 malkuth’ has the root words mal 诪诇 which means ‘speak’ , also has root word malak 诪诇讱 which means king and also has root word lak 诇讱 which means walk.
The king spoke and walked.
Bua 讘讜讗 means entrance. The King , His words and His walk is requested to seen as in His entrance.
Luke 11:2 Let your will be done on earth as it is in the heavens.
The word for will is ratsun 专爪讜谉 which means desire or favour. It has the root word rats 专爪 which means fragments as of pottery.
The fragments of His unseen will is called to be done on earth as it is established in the heavens as a finished work pottery. Here on earth the piece by piece has to be found to be established.
Luk 11:3 “Give us day by day our daily bread.
The word daily is chaq 讞拽 which means inscribe/law/decree/portion.
The Hebrew word lacham 诇讞诐 also means fight
Hence the cry is to give the allotted bread by decree without striving.
Luk 11:4 “And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And do not lead us into trial, but rescue us from the wicked one.
If we remember we have offended a brother, we leave the gift /qarban on the altar and go and reconcile with the brother.
Qarban is an offering made to Alahym which is set apart from the rest of the offerings.
One cannot please Alahym unless one stands in the altar of Mashiyach where the Yahudi and the Gentile reconcile in His body ending the enmity of separation due to Torah of sin and death.
The word la yaday 诇讬讚讬 means leading into hand testing (诇讬讚讬)
The hand testing is being led to a work which should be by favour or grace.
The wicked one leads us to a bashaarah of works into fleshly glory and that’s what we pray that it not happen.
Matthew basharah has the additional para
Matt 6:13 because Yours is the reign and the power and the esteem, forever. Am臎n.
Where the malakah 诪诇讻讛 kingdom , gabar 讙讘专 might and the taparah 转ּ驻讗专转 majesty all point to Yahusha.
We already saw the mal, malak and lak in malakah translated as kingdom . Mal: word, malak: king and lak: walk.
Gabar 讙讘专 : has the root word bar which means son. Gabar is a prevailing warrior.
Taparah 转驻讗专讛 has the root word tapar 转驻讗专 which means beauty/bautiful, par 驻专 which means bull parah 驻专讛 which means fruitfulness and paar 驻讗专 which means glorify/beautify/bough.
‘Thine is the’ attribution to the first estate as He returns in the second estate in the New creation order. The arraying of the words, King and his walk, His prevailing power and His concealed beauty in being the bull of our sacrifice making us fruitful is the established will in the heavens which we decode piece by piece pottery here on earth.
The prayer only makes sense in a Hebrew covenant mindset and not in a Greco Roman or Hebrew legalistic mindset as the Fatherhood is realised in the names , returning to or arriving to the New Creation pattern.
His Name is realised in yath qadosh which is the nailed hand sanctity.
The King, his words and his walk to be seen in the entrance will enable us to identify and walk with Him.
The fragments of His unseen will which is established in the heavens be unfolded piece by piece on earth for us to see the clear picture.
The allotted bread be our portion without striving
We transition to the New altar where we see Echad (Oneness) of everyone into Mashiyach in His likeness.
We plead to keep us away from all works which are of the flesh and self glorify the flesh , the enemies weapon against us and hence we pray to save us from his (enemies) will against us

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