Tuesday, February 13, 2024

'Who is, was and is to come' understanding in its proper context

 Four times in the book of Revelation i.e. Rev 1:4, Rev 1:8, Rev 4:8 & Rev 11:17 Alahym is magnified with the term in English translated as “who is, who was and who is to come” But Engilish is a shallow translation and first blush reading would not give the esteem to the person who is behind the phrase who requires that esteem. Trinitarian would esteem their 3 gods in a godhead, binatarians would esteem their 2 gods in their godhead and Unitarians would only esteem their One god theology and will leave out Yahusha as the demi-god to whom this esteem doesn’t apply.

Rev1:4 Yahuchanan to the seven assemblies that are in Asya: Grace to you and peace from the One who is and who was and who is to come (Greek : Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos. Hebrew: hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo) , and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne

Rev1:8 “I am the Aleph and the Tau, the beginning and the ending, says Lord (Greek: Kurios, Hebrew: Adon), the El of the hosts, the One who is and who was and who is to come (Greek : Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos. Hebrew: hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo).”

Excuse me for using the word ‘Lord’ here, I am deliberately using it here because the Hebrew roots movement translations adds the name ‘Yahuah’ here to show that its not Yahusha that the text is speaking about. Hence, I have used the Hebrew interchangeably generic title ‘Adon’ which is used both for Yahuah and Yahusha because I am going to prove who this esteem is attributed to.

The ‘Yahuah only’ movement wouldn’t see Rev 1:8 in the context of who was the Speaker, though its very clear that it was Yahusha who spoke to Yahuchanan/John, if one reads the next few verses down. But I will leave this as homework for them to do to see who is the ‘SPEAKER’ here.

Rev4:8 And the four living creatures, six wings, six wings to each one, they are full of eyes around and in front; and there is no rest for them day and night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy is Lord (Greek: Kurios, Hebrew: Adon) Elohim of hosts, who was and who is and who is to come. (Greek : Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos. Hebrew: hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo)

Excuse me for using the word ‘Lord’ again here, I am deliberately using it here because the Hebrew roots movement translations adds the name ‘Yahuah’ here to show that it’s not Yahusha that the text is speaking about.

Rev11:16 And the twenty-four elders, who sit on their thrones before the Elohim, fell on their faces and worshiped Elohim.

Rev11:17 saying, We give You thanks, O Lord (Greek: Kurios, Hebrew: Adon) Elohim of hosts, who is and who was, and is coming (Greek: Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos.. Hebrew: hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo) , because You have taken Your great power and have reigned

Looking at these phrases in the Greek and in Hebrew will shed light on to whom this esteem is given to.

So, lets first look at this phrase in Greek:

Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos

Let’s see it phrase by phrase:

1.    Ho own kai:

Ho G3588 means: ‘which’

Own is present participle and imperfect of G1510 eimi

Hence, Ho own is : ‘which is’

Kai 2532: and

Put together ‘ho own kai’ is ‘which is and’

2.    Ho en kai:

Ho G3588: which

en G1722: was

Kai 2532: and

Put together ‘ho en kai’ is ‘which was and’

3.    Ho erchomenos:

ho G3588: which

erchomenos G2064: he who comes.

1. erchomenos G2064 when it speaks of Persons: to come from one place to another, and used both of persons arriving and of those returning

2. erchomenos G2064 when it speaks as a metaphor: to come into being, arise, come forth, show itself, find place or influence.

Put together ‘ho erchomenos’ is ‘which came into another place’ as it refers to ‘A PERSON’.

‘Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos ‘should be correctly translated as ‘Which is, which was and where he arrives to.’

You may look up the Greek interlinear and see that the Greek word ‘ho’ they have translated as ‘He’ in one place and ‘who’ in 2 other places as its related to a person in a movement.

Let us understand this movement/transition but first let’s look at the same phrase in Hebrew.’

hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo written in Hebrew as ההוה והיה ויבוא

hahoeh ההוה in Hebrew simply means ‘the present’ You may look up the Hebrew translation in 1 Cor 3:22 & Romans 8:38 where its translated as ‘the present’. In Rev 16:5 the Hebrew translation translates it as ‘’ the One who are”.

w/u ו in Hebrew means ‘and’

hayah היה  H1961 in Hebrew means ‘was’, ‘come to pass’ ‘came.’

w/u ו in Hebrew means ‘and’

 yabo יבוא in Hebrew is translated as ‘he came’ and hence, ויבוא wayabo would mean ‘And he came’.

Here are a few examples from scriptures:

1Ki3:15 Then Shelomoh awoke, and behold, it was a dream. And he came/ ויבוא wayabo to Yerushalam and stood before the ark of the covenant of Adonai, and offered burnt offerings and made peace offerings, and made a feast for all his servants.

Where did Shelemoh arrive or come to? Yerushalayim.

1Sam4:13 When he came/ ויבוא wayabo, behold, Eli was sitting on his seat by the wayside watching, because his heart was trembling for the ark of the Elohim. So the man came to tell it in the city, and all the city cried out.

Where did the messenger bringing news come to? To where Eli was.

1Ki7:14 He was son of a woman, a widow, from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tsori, a worker in bronze; and he was filled with wisdom and understanding and skill for doing any work in bronze. So he came/ ויבוא wayabo to King Shelomoh and performed all his work.

Where did Chiram from Tsor come to? To where king Shelemoh was.

These were persons moving from one place to another which ‘wayabo’ shows us.

Put together hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo would be translated as “The One who is and was/came to pass and He arrived to”

Summary of Greek & Hebrew derived meanings:

‘Ho own kai ho en kai ho erchomenos ‘should be correctly translated as ‘Which is, which was and where he arrives to.’

hahoeh w’hayah w’yabo is correctly translated as “The One who is and was/came to pass and He arrived to”.

Doesn’t this show us a TRANSITION of Yahuah to Yahusha. The arrived to/came to a place is to Tabernacle with us in the New Creation Order. The audience who attributed this esteem to Him were:

1. Yahuchanan/John in Rev 1:4

2. Yahusha himself in Rev 1:8,

3. Seraphims in Rev 4:8

4. 24 elders in Rev 11:16-17

Yahuchanan/John understood His transition and was further revealed by Yahusha and the revelation of ‘WHO He IS’ is passed on to the imagery standing acknowledging the revelation i.e., the Angels depicted as seraphim's and remnant chosen depicted as 24 elders i.e., 12 tribes + 12 apostles.

The transition can be understood in decrees:

Heb 1:6 And when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says, And let all the messengers of Elohim worship Him.

Heb2:3 how shall we escape if we do not pay attenion to such great salvation, which at the first began to be spoken through the Adon, it was confirmed to us by those that heard,

Heb2:4 Elohim also testifying with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of His Holy Spirit which are distributed according to His own will.

Heb 2:5 For it is not under the hand of the messengers He has subjected the world to come, concerning which we speak about it.

Shaul the emissary in the first page of his letter (Chapter 1) to the Hebrews is showing the Deity of Yahusha as Alahym declared in decrees & speaks of ‘Alahym again bringing the firstborn into the world and declares to all the Messengers of Alahym to worship Him’. We will not understand this passage unless we see the context of the ‘world to come’ which is subjected to Yahusha in the New Creation Order. It’s a decree letting all Messengers know that He is their Alahym whom they need to worship.

This is further understood when Shaul speaks of the mystery of righteousness showing that the Messengers were able to identify their Alahym Yahusha in the New Creation order which Shaul speaks of ‘the world to come’ because our transition is yet pending and so is this creation which will be destroyed by fire and transition to the new heavens and the new earth.

1Tim3:16 And great is the mystery of righteousness, which is revealed in the flesh, is justified in the Spirit, was seen by Messengers (Greek: Aggelos Hebrew: Malakyam), was proclaimed among the nations, was believed in the faith in the world, taken up in glory.

‘And when He AGAIN brings the firstborn into the world’ is a decree revelation of who Yahusha is as He moved from one place to another, the decree is to the Angels and to His remnant. Remember, we saw the Greek terminology in the words ‘ho erchomenos’ which means ‘which came into another place’ & we also saw the Hebrew terminology in the words ‘wayabo ןיבואו which means ‘And He arrived to’. Where did He arrive to? The New Creation Order. Isn’t that amazing!







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